Your Security at McVey and Murricane

Your Security at McVey and Murricane

We all benefit from the pace and convenience of today's online world but it does provide a breeding ground for fraudsters. McVey and Murricane regard your security as an utmost priority.

Recent news items have indicated the increasing occurrence of frauds and scams affecting members of the public dealing with solicitors on property or mortgage transactions. Here is a heart-breaking example:

BBC Breakfast News highlighted a case where a client of a firm of solicitors was defrauded of £77,000 by an entirely believable fraudulent email. You can read more about the case here

We take elaborate steps to avoid fraudulent scams but this case may have involved somebody hacking the email account of the client and then providing bogus alternative details.

You will never receive a phone call or subsequent email from McVey and Murricane advising you of a change in bank account details from those indicated to you within our statement process and repeated below.

If you do receive such a message do not act upon it. Rather you should immediately contact McVey and Murricane's Finance department by telephone (0141) 333 9688.

The problem with the type of scam highlighted by the BBC article is that the client themselves instructed the payment benefiting the fraudsters; this means the client may well not have any recourse against any other party.

You will never receive a phone call, email or other communication from somebody at McVey and Murricane asking you to change the bank details previously provided to you in sending funds to us. Our bank details are those which are stated below and they will not change.

Royal Bank of Scotland
Account No: 00630610
Sort Code: 83-44-00
Account Name: McVey & Murricane Clients' Account
Branch: City Branch, 10 Gordon Street,
Glasgow, G1 3PL

Money Laundering regulations mean that we will often ask you for a copy of your bank statement or details. We will always do that as part of our statement or money laundering procedure. We will never ask you for your bank password or any other entry code. If anybody asks you for any password or entry code details and they purport to be contacting you from McVey and Murricane, do not provide them with the information and contact McVey and Murricane's Finance department by telephone (0141) 333 9688.

If you are in doubt whether a communication has come from McVey and Murricane especially one asking you to pay money please phone us to ascertain whether we did send it.

If you have concerns that your email has been compromised, please do not use it to communicate with us. Create another email address or use a different email account.

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