About McVey & Murricane

About McVey & Murricane

The strange and challenging times in which we live have accentuated the need for the characteristics which define McVey & Murricane. Delivering an award winning service to the property industry. The escalating problems faced in conveyancing have only been made worse by current difficulties.

It is a time where consumers, lenders, investors and property professionals more than ever need the reassurance of experience, compliance, security delivered with technology. McVey & Murricane is the right choice for our times.

Working remotely is not new to the firm though, like everyone else, the extent of working from home has been an innovation. As befits our culture of compliance, we have made sure that the office is manned by a tiny skeleton staff only with the vast majority of our colleagues working safely and effectively from home.  Our highly advanced systems have allowed us to work virtually unaltered during the pandemic.

Regrettably the clock has not stopped ticking on the issues which trouble property work in 2021. Those problems relating to compliancy, security and regulation have continued unabated. Tales of the hacking of property transactions abound. Fortunately with  McVey & Murricane all of the major elements of any property transaction are carried out behind our MMICaseConnect ensuring that your information is safe. Most of these criminal enterprises target the client not the solicitors and our aim is to remove open email for any sensitive material.

Security and the knowledge that your transaction is compliant are two of the key differences that highlight the extra value delivered by  McVey & Murricane.  Another value is the strength in depth of our property law team and our technical knowledge. Three of our senior colleagues were practising property law in the 1970s and they regale the younger members of staff about missives (contract) being commenced and concluded in one day. Those were different times.  The proud claims of a superior Scottish system have long gone; we currently have all the downsides of an English style system but with none of the practical mechanisms underpinning that system. And this on top of a registration system which has undergone constant change over the last 20 years but still results in years of deeds remaining in the registration queue and the Land Register of Scotland.

All of this means that conveyancing tends to be stressful no matter how hard everybody tries to avoid that end result. (And not everybody does try that hard!). That inbuilt stress is endemic but  McVey & Murricane deliver the key strengths of security, compliancy, competency, service and value while at the same time operating in an environment which is paper free and highly sensitive to our greener times. Our MMiSmartDocuments create a positive force in Scottish property law for documents that are shorter, in plain English and kinder to the environment.

You can obtain an immediate quotation for a conveyancing transaction. We won't necessarily be quite the cheapest but for just a little extra cost you are obtaining the benefit of those values to which we aspire of security, compliancy, competency, service and value. And being greener. Can you afford less?

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 

Contact our New Business Department

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